This Love

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Daily Dose #40

This Love says you are enough

This Love says you are complete

This Love says you are perfect

This Love says you are just as you are… I Am that I Am


Do you accept this Love?

This Love offers no judgment

This Love does not condemn

This Love is the Light of the World.

Get to know this Love

Become this Love

And all will be Love in your world.



July 3, 2020 at 2:34 pm

Sounds nice, but can one say it inspires self-improvement? And if we don’t try to improve, what’s the point? But I’m sure many would just want to be accepted as they are, which is fine. Perhaps, there are a few others who want to be inspired to be better than they are. Just a thought.

    July 3, 2020 at 6:09 pm

    I appreciate your comment – I have several thoughts.
    First, (maybe) anyone pursuing Love, by default, strives for self-improvement.
    Second, I think the experience of genuine unconditional Love humbles a person to the point of wanting/inspiring change.
    Third, and this might be the hardest to agree with, is that I believe that Unconditional Love is available to all regardless of how the person chooses to act
    BUT… there is a universal law – you reap what you sow – that is in play. This law levels the playing field. One can create hell in their lives over and over and Love will allow that without passing judgment. Ultimately, however, that person has to live with the consequences of their actions. If a person doesn’t try to improve then they will continue to create hell in their lives and blame fate, god, circumstances, or whatever – instead of taking personal responsibility. They become the victim. Sad for them, when they really could have had ‘the good life’. I think Christ said it best “the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” It just requires a little Truth seeking.
    Change is a very personal pursuit.
    Just thoughts… I certainly don’t have answers – I can only pass on what has been true in my personal experience and hope that it reaches the person who needs to hear it at the time. For me… my struggle is that in my constant pursuit of self-improvement I am forever judging myself – I am never ‘good’ enough. Thank goodness Love doesn’t require one to be ‘good’ for it to work.
    Thank you again for your thoughts – I truly appreciate them.
    Be blessed!

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