Hope Always

It was dark Pitch black How am I to find my way? Panic set in, which quickly turned to fear. Overcome, I melted to the floor. How long did I remain? I can’t really say. Long enough for an unwelcome friend to […]

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Daily Dose #5

Failed? … again? No. Where I come from we call that a result. But I didn’t like that result so I changed my approach and tried again. Seems to me like the only one who fails is the one who quits. Don’t […]

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Discerning Doors

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash The door slammed in my face. It wasn’t the first time nor would it be the last. “Thank you.” I spoke. Sincere. Doors are highly intuitive, you know. They know full well who belongs inside and who doesn’t. But […]

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