Hope Always

It was dark

Pitch black

How am I to find my way?

Panic set in, which quickly turned to fear.

Overcome, I melted to the floor.

How long did I remain? I can’t really say.

Long enough for an unwelcome friend to join me. You know, the kind of friend you can barely tolerate but for some reasons forever keep within arms reach.

That friend – Depression.

“You’ll never get out of here.” Depression whispered. She’s a tricky friend because as she said it she wrapped her arms around me as if to comfort. Her embrace heavy. Pushing me ever closer to the lifeless, cold depths.

I wallowed there, at the precipice, wrapped in the coarse itchy blanket of self pity. I bought into her lies as she repeated her mantra over and over again. There is no hope, there is no hope, there is no hope…

“I’ll never get out of here.” I repeated, letting go and giving in to her spell.

After all, lies are so much easier to believe.

Then I saw a dim flicker at the opposite end of the room. Faint at first.

I could have turned away, might have turned away, but I didn’t. And soon the light grew into brilliance, illuminating the entire space.

The light brought truth.

A room. An inviting room. Friendly and comfortable.

Was I ever in any danger at all? Or had I created it myself?

Hope stood before me. She is always there, in the shadows, waiting for me to offer her space.

Hope Always…

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash




May 31, 2020 at 1:00 am

Great poem. You captured this feeling well. Reading it makes me uncomfortable as I can remember feeling in the throes of depression spells like this. Appreciated that it ended on a hopeful note! Funny how irrational our bad thoughts can sometimes seem when we’re free of them and out of the quicksand.

    May 31, 2020 at 1:20 am

    Yes! I always look to hope. Depression (for me) happens when I start focusing on and entertaining a series of negative thought trails… completely irrational like you said. I’ve learned how to quickly abandon that trail.
    I really appreciate you stopping by!

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