Discerning Doors

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

The door slammed in my face.

It wasn’t the first time nor would it be the last.

“Thank you.” I spoke. Sincere. Doors are highly intuitive, you know. They know full well who belongs inside and who doesn’t.

But this door… How can I put it? It called to me. I felt it.


What’s more, I was so attracted to the door, like the boy at the frame shop all those years ago… you remember, the one with the long black hair and dark eyes… that I couldn’t take no for an answer.

Anxious to gain a glimpse of what was on the other side, I knocked again. But only after a pause. I didn’t want the door to think I was desperate and needy – even though, maybe to a certain degree, I am.

No answer.

Was this particular door playing hard to get? Did it know an ancient secret? One that if you play your cards right and say no to the first knock you weed out a lot of unwanted solicitors.

If you say no to the second knock, you weed out well-meaning, yet troublesome guests.

No to the third… ? the fourth… ?

Until finally the door opens to the one person that wants in so badly that once they enter they never leave?

Now that’s magic.

One persistent person can transform an ordinary door into a priceless treasure. …If the door plays its cards right.

Perhaps only the most valuable doors want that, and so they must slam in your face.

Yes, I decided. That was this door.

So, I knocked again. And again. And again…

Until… Open Sesame…


Keep knocking, it’s worth it.



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