Daily Dose #6

Let your light so shine before man(kind)…

Somewhere in the Bible… probably Matthew… maybe chapter 5… possibly verse 16. But who knows, right?
Google. Google knows. And of course God, but God doesn’t verbalize much.

If I promised you untold riches and millions of adoring fans would you shine your light like only you can?

But what if I could only guarantee one heartfelt thank you that lights a spark in one single person?

Would that be worth shining for?

It is if you know that by shining bright today, you might just light a spark in someone, who, in turn, lights a spark in another… who then lights a spark in yet another… and another…


Let there be Light

Your world lights up like you’ve never seen it.

Very often that’s exactly how it works.

Keep shining… (if nothing else it will make your day brighter, and who doesn’t love a bright day?) – it’s always worth it!

Photo by matthew Feeney on Unsplash



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