Category: Spirituality
I love all things God related.
I wasn’t born in your average Christian home, raised by your average Christian parents.
No, my upbringing was much more intense than that. We didn’t just go to church on Sunday, we lived it.
5:30 am bible readings, scripture memorizations, and morning communion were part of our daily routine.
My dad was forceful with his values, morals, and belief system, making sure that his children grew up with a strong foundation in the Christian faith.
I have read the bible through multiple times and can honestly say that I’m pretty darn familiar with its content.
At some point, however, my dad’s black and white answers to all my complicated questions no longer made sense to me.
Why would God send anyone to Hell? If HE is a God of LOVE, why the punishment?
At 12, I believe I stated that it was completely unfair that someone would be born into a family with different belief systems.
“I mean, weren’t their parents simply trying to teach their children just like you are trying to teach me?” I asked my dad. And, “How come I hit the “Eternal Life” jack pot by being born into a Christian home? How is that fair?”
I saw too many gaps and flaws.
I have since moved into what I consider a deeper understanding of scripture and a somewhat unconventional interpretation of what Jesus might have been teaching.
Unfortunately, my interpretations don’t quite jive with most fundamental Christians.
I’ve lost friends over it, but that’s ok…
As Paul says in Corinthians “we see through a glass darkly.”
I guess if a difference of opinion causes a friendship to crumble then maybe it wasn’t much of a friendship to begin with.
So, I offer a disclaimer. I’m wrong and I know it. But that doesn’t make the mystery of God and the universe any less fascinating to me.
It’s also something I love to delve into and pursue.
I quote scripture – A LOT. but don’t let that turn you off. I find there is wisdom sprinkled in most writings of every single age.
And, it brings me incredible joy to find it and share.
Hiding in Plain Sight
Photo by Anton Darius on Unsplash Daily Dose #71 Before I came here I spoke with Love(we are the best of friends, you know) I said… ‘I absolutely refuse to go and live anywhere that isn’t full of magic.’ To which Love replied. Oh, there […]
Timeless Journey
Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash Daily Dose #68 It was a beautiful walk This life When the end grew near I slowed time Down To the very Now Not wanting it to end. It felt permanent And it was It felt fleeting And it […]
Small Beginnings
Photo by Varun Gaba on Unsplash Daily Dose #62 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. Zachariah (4:10)Kind of like nothing smaller than a thought seed, huh?Yep. Start small. In the beginning, It is the best and […]
An Inside Job
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash Daily Dose #59 You can only receive those things that you already have. For example… when I was younger I had a friend who never felt validated. “No one ever validates me!” She would complain to anyone who would […]
Give to Receive
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash Daily Dose #54 Very often We need The very thing We refuse to give And that is why it is a need. One must learn to give… in order to receive.
Thanks for Nothing
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash Daily Dose #53 When nothing is done, nothing is left undone. Lao TzuOh my gosh!What?Oh, never mind.Seriously, what?Really… it’s nothing Very often You will find From Nothing Comes Something Sometimes there is no thing better to do than nothing. […]
Embracing the Truth
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash Daily Dose #52 Truth is simple but (at first) it really hurts. Life always tells the Truth. You can’t trick it. You can try to lie to Life (you only really lie to yourself) but it will see right […]
A Gift for You
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash Daily Dose #47 Unconditional Love is a gift. It cannot be earned. A gift, however, requires you to receive and accept it. If you cannot do that, it remains forever unavailable to you. Take the gift!
This Too Shall Pass
Photo by Volkan Olmez on Unsplash Daily Dose #46 Happiness is not sustainable. It comes and goes, Likewise sadness too. Peace, however, is a constant. One can be peacefully happy One can be peacefully sad Honor both, as each come in due season. This too […]
Photo by Valentin Antonucci on Unsplash Daily Dose #74 Your relationship with the present moment– the Now– determines the quality of your life. It is the single most important relationship in your life, and if you can master this particular partnership, you will have mastered […]
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