Category: Spirituality
I love all things God related.
I wasn’t born in your average Christian home, raised by your average Christian parents.
No, my upbringing was much more intense than that. We didn’t just go to church on Sunday, we lived it.
5:30 am bible readings, scripture memorizations, and morning communion were part of our daily routine.
My dad was forceful with his values, morals, and belief system, making sure that his children grew up with a strong foundation in the Christian faith.
I have read the bible through multiple times and can honestly say that I’m pretty darn familiar with its content.
At some point, however, my dad’s black and white answers to all my complicated questions no longer made sense to me.
Why would God send anyone to Hell? If HE is a God of LOVE, why the punishment?
At 12, I believe I stated that it was completely unfair that someone would be born into a family with different belief systems.
“I mean, weren’t their parents simply trying to teach their children just like you are trying to teach me?” I asked my dad. And, “How come I hit the “Eternal Life” jack pot by being born into a Christian home? How is that fair?”
I saw too many gaps and flaws.
I have since moved into what I consider a deeper understanding of scripture and a somewhat unconventional interpretation of what Jesus might have been teaching.
Unfortunately, my interpretations don’t quite jive with most fundamental Christians.
I’ve lost friends over it, but that’s ok…
As Paul says in Corinthians “we see through a glass darkly.”
I guess if a difference of opinion causes a friendship to crumble then maybe it wasn’t much of a friendship to begin with.
So, I offer a disclaimer. I’m wrong and I know it. But that doesn’t make the mystery of God and the universe any less fascinating to me.
It’s also something I love to delve into and pursue.
I quote scripture – A LOT. but don’t let that turn you off. I find there is wisdom sprinkled in most writings of every single age.
And, it brings me incredible joy to find it and share.
Ideas & Dreams
Daily Dose #91 Ideas & Dreams are thought seeds. Like all seeds, they require sunlight and water to grow. The sunlight is your attention. Pondering, thinking, mulling over, dwelling on. Much like meditation but instead of trying not to have thoughts – you focus […]
The Crystal Ball
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash Daily Dose #90 Some say I am a Seer because I’ve always had an uncanny ability to look into the future and see the ending. I can accurately predict the outcome in a person’s life 100% of the time. […]
You Got Served
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash Daily Dose #85 Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray. Sai BabaHand it over.Hand what over?Your handsome little prayer shawlWhat?! Why?I’ve got some handy dandy gloves for you instead… Serve?! Oh no, you don’t understand… I have […]
The Levy is About to Break
Photo by Zane Lee on Unsplash Daily Dose #83 I felt it A shift The earth quaked Just to let me know it was coming. The floodgates opened But I stood my ground Until I couldn’t It was good It was terrible Swept away… An […]
Less is More (More or Less)
Photo by Jess @ Harper Sunday on Unsplash Daily Dose #81 In a world of More! More! MORE! Why not settle for less? (Who knows– you might even end up with a whole lot more!) Less discontent, More heartfelt gratitude for what already is. Less […]
World of Form
Daily Dose #80 The World of Form can only exist by setting boundaries. Boundaries are dividing lines that separate ‘this’ from ‘that’ and are established by having an opposite to define itself against. As an example, you cannot experience light without dark, […]
Only Ever Now
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash Daily Dose #77 There is no such thing as yesterday, today, or tomorrow. Yesterday is a memory you have… now Today unfolds… now Tomorrow is an idea you have… now Find Now and the door to Eternity opens […]
Make Room
Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash Daily Dose #76 Is there something in your life that you desperately want? Then make room for it. First, invite the ‘something’ into your life– otherwise it won’t know it is welcome. Then schedule it into your calendar or […]
The Rock
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash rock Photo by Prince David on Unsplash Daily Dose #75 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear. For it is Love who goes with you; Love will never leave you nor forsake you. Moses (loosely paraphrased)Hold up Beck, you can’t […]
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash Daily Dose #93 Hey Beck! You forgot, didn’t you? You know… ask and you shall receive. “Oh no, you don’t understand. I did ask!” But still, you forgot. You forgot how much time it takes to rearrange everything. After […]
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