Category: Daily Dose
The Midas Touch
Photo by MUILLU on Unsplash Daily Dose #25 You could call me an alchemist. I know how take an idea and make it manifest in the real world. It isn’t really any big secret – the how to that is. And there […]
Hey You!
Daily Dose #24 Yes, you… You with that gorgeous spark that shines so bright. My, my we haven’t seen one shine as bright as you in a million. Might just have to restructure the entire night sky, because I think the North […]
Serve Only What you Wish to Eat
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay Daily Dose #23 Want to grow? Serve the One exactly the same way you would serve millions. Offer delectable dishes… Because if you do, soon he will tell his friends and return for more. But if you […]
Love Unconditional
Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash Daily Dose #22 To love unconditionally looks nothing like the conventional ideas of love. Love is L-etting go of expectations and accepting what is O-ffering grace instead of judgment (we are all blind, stumbling souls) V-aluing the other (the […]
Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash Daily Dose #21 Do nothing and nothing is left undone. Lao Tzuwait for it…wait for it…Oh, ok… maybe today she won’t do that weird caption stuff. Relax Enjoy the moment Sit quiet & drink Tea Now, that’s what […]
Do the Next Best Thing
Daily Dose #20 If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. Napoleon Hill …usually I have quirky little things to say in the caption, but not today. I promised myself last time I would spare the reader. […]
A Personal Note
Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash Daily Dose #19 The road to success is paved in… gratitude. Says I ~ and yes, I was a pirate in one of those past lives… Arg matey! Oh my gosh… stop. Just stop. You thought I was going […]
Tend Your Mind Garden
Photo by Maja Petric on Unsplash Daily Dose #18 Always tend your mind garden. Today, you eat the fruit of the thoughts that you planted yesterday. Nothing can be done about that. However, the thoughts you plant in your mind garden now, will grow and […]
All There is… is Now
Daily Dose #17 Guilt and shame thrive only when memories of the past flood the present moment. The past is dead and can never be undone. Worry and fear thrive only when thoughts of the future suffocate the present moment. The future […]
Photo by… gee, maybe I’m getting better at this. Daily Dose #26 I woke up this morning with an incredible amount of joy in my heart. Honestly, I couldn’t help it. I have spent a good deal of time cultivating it. Wanna […]
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